Minsk 15:10

Łukašenka declared winner with 86.82 percent


January 27, Pozirk. The Central Election Commission (CEC) has declared Alaksandar Łukašenka the winner in Belarus’ presidential election with 86.82 percent of the vote.

The election has drawn severe criticism for the lack of transparency and repressive environment.

Siarhiej Syrankoŭ of the Communist Party of Belarus gained 3.21 percent of the vote; Aleh Hajdukievič of the Liberal Democratic Party, 2.02 percent; Hanna Kanapackaja, 1.86 percent; and Alaksandar Chižniak, 1.74 percent, the CEC said, noting that 3.6 percent voted against all candidates.

Łukašenka has been awarded less that Russian President Vladimir Putin, who was given 87.28 percent in Russia’s 2024 presidential poll.

The CEC reported voter turnout of 85.7 percent.

The exiled Belarusian opposition and a number of democratic countries have dismissed the election as a sham.

In 2020, Łukašenka claimed victory with 80.1 percent. That announcement triggered mass protests against election fraud that were followed by a severe crackdown on dissent that continues at present.

CEC: voter turnout in Belarus’ presidential election at 85.7 percent  

January 26, Pozirk. Polls have closed for Belarus’ seventh presidential election with voter turnout at 85.7 percent, of which 41.8 percent voted early, the Central Election Commission (CEC) reports. Authorities recorded a turnout of 92.64 percent for the Mahiloŭ region, 91.54 percent …