Minsk 19:24

Belarus down in 2023 Corruption Perceptions Index

(unsplash.com / Bermix Studio)

January 30, Pozirk. Corruption in Belarus has worsened over the past year, says the 2023 Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) compiled annually by the Berlin-based NGO, Transparency International.

The CPI shows levels of corruption as perceived by experts and businesses. It ranks 180 countries and territories on a scale from 100 (very clean) to 0 (highly corrupt).

Belarus scored 37 points in 2023, falling by two points from 2022 and ranking 98th together with Albania, Argentina, Ethiopia, Gambia and Zambia. It slipped seven positions since 2022.

Russia with 26 points and Ukraine with 36 ranked below Belarus at 141st and 104th positions, respectively. The other neighbors fared much better – Poland ranked 47th with 54 points; Latvia, 36th with 60 points; and Lithuania, 34th with 61 points.

Denmark has topped the CPI with 90 points for two years in a row. The top ten include Finland (87 points), New Zealand (85), Norway (84), Singapore (83), Sweden and Switzerland (82 each), the Netherlands (79), Germany and Luxembourg (78 each) and Ireland (77).

Somalia (11 points), Venezuela, Syria and South Sudan (13 each), and Yemen (16) ranked the lowest.
